Is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is divided in non-corrosive and erosive gastritis. Erosive gastritis caused by white blood cells infiltration and focal or diffuse mucosal erosion. In non-erosive gastritis, inflammatory changes are caused by hyperemia (increased blood flow) in the gastric mucosa. Patient suffers from anorexia, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain after using drugs or alcohol abuse. Therapeutically antacids are used.

Homeopathy cures gastritis. Recovery time ranges from six to twelve months depending on the overall body state. 


The gastrointestinal tract that is esophagus, stomach, large intestine, consists internally and externally of smooth muscle fibers mucosa. Ulcer is the loss of both the mucosal tissue and the muscular tunic. Although ulcers are acid-fast healed, their feature is chronicity. Although ulcer occurs in certain professional categories such as business managers, it is also very common in the poorer classes. Ulcer arises, due to failure of certain areas of the mucosa to resist the influence of gastric fluid. The body’s defense mechanism is broken in certain ulcer areas. The most important is that while the gastric fluid is essential for ulcers formation, in ulcerated patients, gastric secretion is within normal limits. A recent theory considers that the ulcer is the result of an inflammation of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter Pylori. Antibiotic therapy required to eradicate Helicobacter. The majority of ulcerated patients, develops epigastric pain as burning or gnawing 1-3 hours post eating, and often wakes up patient, if he sleeps. Besides, these patients exhibit a variety of symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence (bloating), nausea, anorexia, belching. Complications that can occur in these patients are bleeding and stomach perforation, especially if they use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin. Ulcerated patients usually use H2- antagonists such as ranitidine, famotidine, and cimetidine. Drugs side effects are headache, confusion, impotence. In recent years omeprazole is used which offers better ulcers protection than the older drugs. But omeprazole causes gastric fluid intense secretion, which long-term causes carcinoid tumors. Antacids also improve gastric ulcers but cause at higher doses annoying diarrhea. Surgery is indicated only in the complications of gastric ulcer. But even after surgery following chronic side effects such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Homeopathy offers a complete and permanent ulcer cure without side effects. Homeopathy improves gastric mucosa protection, to prevent ulcerous crater re-creation. Patient feels pain reduction, flatulence, nausea and indigestion improvement. Homeopathy accomplishes ulcer’s treatment by fortifying the body's immune defenses.



Characterized by inflammatory lesions of the colon (large intestine) mucosa and occurs with diarrhea and bloody stools. It concerned autoimmune disease. Besides autoimmune ulcerative colitis, coexists with other diseases such as thyroiditis, chronic hepatitis, arthritis, etc. In 75% of cases the disease is manifested from 15 to 25 years of age. Histologically tiny abscesses are generated in the gut mucosa. The disease can affect any part of the intestine. In 50% of cases affected the entire colon. The last part of the intestine called rectum is always affected, whereas 20% of cases the disease is limited to rectum. Periods of calm are followed by periods of flares where the patient has diarrhea 5-10 days with the admixture mucus, pus, blood and abdominal pain. Treatment is rest and psychological problems detection with psychotherapy. Pharmaceuticals used for the intestine are sulphonamides and corticosteroids. All these treatments aim to suppress the disease development.
But homeopathy treats the disease with homogeneous way. Thus, symptoms such as diarrhea or bleeding will improve. When the whole body balances, permanent ulcer restoration will come.


Is an inflammation of the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the ring. People affected are aged from 10 to 40 years. The disease is characterized by thickening of the mucosa with numerous ulcers. These ulcers can become so deep to form fistulas. The mucosa shows edema in advanced stages of creating scar tissue. The portion of the intestine called the ileum was detected in 80%, and in the colon 20%. Initially the patient feels pain in the right half of the abdomen that is often confused with the pain of appendicitis. Watery diarrhea, small hemorrhages and abscesses around anus. Treatment is initially conservative with a diet deficient of milk fat. For diarrhea anticholinergic drugs are used in combination with codeine, sulfonamides, corticosteroids and immunosuppressant. With these methods the disease is suppressed for some time, the patient is satisfied because the diarrhea decreased again until some time a new flare of symptoms recurs. Then you should take a higher dose of steroids and so forth but the long-term disease only gets worse.

Homeopathy treats patient causing initially the same disease symptoms. While chemical drugs suppress disease symptoms without cure, homeopathy cures causing the disease first symptoms manifestation. In the second phase symptoms become milder in intensity and less frequent. The ultimate goal is the development of skin rashes that means that the disorder is transferred from the gastrointestinal system to the body surface. (Disease is displaced from the inside to outside). The opposite, that is from outside to inside disease displacement during suppression, is caused by chemical drugs. It is understood that healing process takes time, but worth it because the patient will enjoy a permanent cure.


It is the most common cause of poor intestinal absorption. Malabsorbtion is characterized by small intestine’s villa atrophy which interferes with gluten intake. It concerns autoimmune disease by producing antibodies IgG, IgM in the intestinal mucosa. In children, the disease occurs during the first two years of life. When gluten is added to food, these children develop diarrhea, anemia, and irritability. In advanced situations child is pale with wrinkled face and his expression is impassive. Treatment is initially with gluten-free diet, and symptoms usually subside in two to three weeks. Nevertheless if there are recurrences steroids are used.

Homeopathy treats the disease completely, if proper diet is accompanied


This is an abnormal colon mobility due to emotional factors. Patient suffers from abdominal pain (sometimes after eating, sometimes before emptying), bloating and changes in bowel habits (constipation sometimes and sometimes with diarrhea). Treatment runs with Duspatalin (Mempeverine) Lomotil (Atropine) and sedative Valium (diazepam).

When the disease is considered psychosomatic, homeopathy can cure it completely if the treatment will be targeted initially at patient's emotional disorder. Long as patient is mentally calming, homeopathy will restore the intestinal disorder.


Polyps are solitary or multiple intestinal mucosal outgrowths, with a diameter that not exceeding 3 cm and most commonly found in the rectum and intestine’s sigmoid portion. Clinically bleeding is manifested. Polyps usually removed, but which over time created again. If polyp diameter is less than 1.5 cm, just monitoring is recommended.

With homeopathy colon polyps are not removed but with time treatment, size is reduced until they disappear completely. After homeopathy treatment, polyp’s recurrence does not exist.


It affects people over 50 years and is the most common cancer. In 50% of cases has rectum location and usually secretes mucus. It extends to the surrounding lymph nodes or gives the liver or lung metastasis. If colorectal cancer is developing on the left part of the intestine, obstructive phenomena are caused. Patient complains of constipation, abdominal pain and distension. Blood often eliminated with feces or between the stools. Sometimes instead of diarrhea constipation occurs due to elimination of the inflammatory tissue. When colorectal cancer occupies the right abdomen side, stenosis phenomena are rare, but patient complains of fatigue, weight loss and anemia. Treatment is surgery followed by chemotherapy. Prognosis is better than stomach or lung cancer.

The role of homeopathy is auxiliary after or simultaneously with conventional treatments. Homeopathy by strengthening the immune’s system offers life prolongation and minimizes the metastasis likelihood.


It is the continuing liver cells damage accompanied by chronic inflammation. Distinguished in chronic persistent and chronic active hepatitis. In chronic persistent hepatitis, patient has chronic fatigue and indigestion. Objectively, liver swells and laboratory transaminases are moderately elevated. Prognosis is generally good and does not require treatment. Few of these patients with persistent hepatitis, are transitioning to chronic active hepatitis.

Chronic active hepatitis occurs mainly in young women that complain of fatigue, anorexia, discomfort in the right abdominal hypochondria, slight jaundice, amenorrhea and rarely polyarthralgia. Liver swelling is rare. Usually other autoimmune diseases coexist and such as vasculitis, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis. Histologically there is inflammatory reaction, hepatocellular necrosis, architectural disorder and the prognosis is usually poor. Treatment accomplished with corticosteroids and immunosuppressant.

Homeopathy in chronic hepatitis offers patient’s clinical improvement. Strengthens the immune system, stabilize the disease, cease disease’s deterioration and offers thereby significantly life’s extension. 


Is the stone impaction in the cystic duct. This attitude has resulted in mucosal damage and inflammation which follows. The patient has severe colic radiated in the right hypochondria. Acute cholecystitis usually resolves itself. Rarely progresses to wall perforation. The treatment is cholecystectomy.

Homeopathy offers cure both for pain and inflammation quickly, and the patient has no need for surgery.


Patients suffering from cholelithiasis have occasionally attacks of acute cholecystitis. Others have simply digestive discomfort such as epigastric weight, intolerance to fatty foods, abdominal distension and vomiting. Certainly gallstones discovery does not mean that this is the source of complaints, unless the clinical picture is typical. If the patient proceeded to cholecystectomy postoperative symptoms develops. Main side effect is the stones in the bile duct remaining, which cause bile duct obstruction 

Homeopathy offers a complete cure and bile duct balance without requiring cholecystectomy.


It is the inflammation of the pancreas. 30% of infected with pancreatitis patients suffer from biliary disease or gallstones. Excessive alcohol consumption is a cause of acute pancreatitis. Medications such as thiazides or steroids can also cause pancreatitis. In 40% of cases cause remains unknown. Pancreatitis occurs with acute abdominal pain and radiating to the back especially after a heavy meal or alcohol abuse. The pain is constant with no fluctuations. Laboratory findings are amylase increasing. Pain with pethidine is impugned. Antibiotics are given to prevent secondary infection.

Homeopathy contributes to faster recovery and quicker remission of pain.


The patient has heavy pain spasms. Life sometimes becomes unbearable and patients become addicts or attempt suicide. Patients treated with painkillers diet and complete alcohol prohibition. 

Homeopathy helps to normalize and stabilize the disease and pain reduction.