Is the inability of conception after a year of failed attempts. Women account for 40-50% of cases while the men about 30%. The incidence of infertility cases has increased by 100% over the past 20 years in developed countries due to the increase of sexually transmitted diseases (specifically gonorrhoea and mantle which cause damage to the fallopian tubes), the increased number of sexual partners, delaying pregnancy by intention, contraceptive use and tobacco (more than a pack a day, which reduces the ability to capture 20%). The cases of infertility is 10-20% of gynaecological visits. Only 25% of young couples who have frequent sexual intercourse will conceive by 60% in the first 6 months, 75% at 9 months, and 90% at 18 months. Fertility decreases with age and gender. That women 35-37 years old have less than half likely to become pregnant compared with women 25-27 years old.
The male infertility factors include disturbances spermatogenesi (process of formation of sperm) to the mobility of sperm, anatomical, endocrine and sexual disorders. Disturbances in spermatogenesis resulting:
Orchitis, cryptorchidism, varicocele. Endocrine disorders include thyroid lesions, adrenal hyperplasia and hyperprolactinemia. An elevated FSH is indicative of damage of the testicles. The initial test evaluation of male impotence is the analysis of seminal fluid. The normalized analysis include :
Taking vaginal mucous 2-4 hours after intercourse to assess the interaction of sperm and mucus of the uterus. Values> 20spermatozoaria/hpf considered normal. Values <20 spermatozoa / hpf attributed to the stress of intercourse. If the vaginal mucus is appropriate low doses of estrogens are supplied in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The absence of sperm suggests aspermia. In women with unexplained infertility in 30-40% of patients diagnosed endometriosis, which is treated surgically.
Smoking and alcohol should be stopped. We must eliminate factors that increase the temperature of the testicles (sauna, tight pants that have an inhibitory effect on spermatogenesis). The woman should remain lying in the supine position for at least 15 minutes after the sexual act to facilitate the promotion of sperm. The rare and short periods of intercourse is a cause of infertility. Intercourse is recommended every 2 days during ovulation. In the case of oligospermia take place hormonal therapy with gonadotropin (hormone) hMG on hypothalamic failure, or administration of thyroxin for hypothyroidism. If you do not know the cause of oligospermia Clomiphene is used. The salpingoplastiki is effective in 60-80% of cases of tubal occlusion. Fibroids in the cavity of the endometrial are removed because they are considered causes of infertility. When an ovulation is the cause of infertility, ovulation is caused and pregnancy outcome is 80% to less than 1 year. Artificially induced ovulation in women without ovulation, but not in those with elevated FSH. Increased FSH means ovarian failure. The drug used to induce ovulation is Clomiphene. Women whose ovaries produce estrogens will ovulate with this medication by 70%. In women who do not have the answer with Clomiphene, used human gonadotropin hMG. But these drugs increase the likelihood of multiple births by 20%.
Couples faced with infertility need psychological support. Infertility creates problems inadequacy, lack of self esteem or even fears about their sexuality. Anger, recrimination or depression dominated by the disappointment of a failed pregnancy. Some couples conquered by the processes of body temperature, the timing of sexual intercourse to suffer in interpersonal relationships. An additional stress is the major financial costs of treatment. These couples need support from relatives and friends.
The fertilization in the laboratory is the technique of removing the egg from the ovary and repositioning of the foetus in the ovary. The success rate is 15-20% for each menstrual cycle. For the procedure used Clomiphene, hMG, HFSH, GnRH. The egg resorbed 24 hours after administration of HCG. This is usually done laparoscopic. In the laboratory the egg is classified as mature or immature. In the mature egg has begun the DNA to be divided and fertilized 5 hours after withdrawal. The immature egg is incubated for 36 hours prior to fertilization. Semen also incubated before fertilization. The conditions are 5-20% oxygen, 5% carbon dioxide. During fertilization of an egg mixed with 10,000 to 50,000 sperm. The fertilized eggs are returned to the ovary 48-72 hours after the eggs through a small catheter which is adapted vaginaly. Because there is a high risk of multiple pregnancies, most centres implanting 3-4 embryos. If many eggs are fertilized usually are frozen to be implanted to other infertile women in the future.
Homeopathy disagrees with both hormonal remedies for infertility and in vitro fertilization. Homeopathy believes that woman disturb her hormonal system because of frequent use (and often unnecessary) of chemical and hormonal drugs. The body’s hormonal system at birth is located in a perfect balance. Unfortunately when we get sick, we accumulate in our body’s antibiotics for 10 to 15 days each time. When a woman decides to apply contraception, she accumulates chemical hormones for some years of her life which they disrupt profoundly her menstrual cycle. Women as more sensitive organisms develop easily urinary tract infections, virginities, and for these simple problems that could be restored by a single homeopathy remedy, they get chemical antibiotics for several days. The same happens when a fibroid grows in the womb, which is usually a benign lump of connective tissue. Then, it is removed surgically, and the woman receives antibiotics to prevent postoperative infections. But if you decide to affront it with homeopathy, fibroid will melt in time without getting any chemical drugs and without surgery.
But the accumulated even for years chemical drugs in the body, causing most cases of irreversible damage such as infertility, which they are discovered when women decide to be pregnant. Then the stress of motherhood leads them to take other hormonal preparations as fertility stimulators. When pregnancy does not accomplish (because the hormonal system is not performing its normal function due to long-term chemical and hormonal repression), then the egg will be fertilized in the laboratory, burdened by the women a very heavy emotional and financial load until they succeed. And even when women do not succeed pregnancy in this manner, they usually borrow a stranger egg or another woman to complete pregnancy. All these processes beyond the ethical dilemmas that spring up, are not without cost. The cost involves, new born children. Thus, children born with these approaches do not start life with a good level of health as children born naturally. Many of them manifest psychosomatic disorders, some are autistic, and other is hyperactive. While modern medicine invent procedures to born children by chemical drugs oppressed women, not care neither for children’s spiritual-emotional health, nor for women hormonal equilibrium at conception time.
Homeopathy helps to develop hormonal system equilibrium conditions, (whether man or woman regardless of medical and family history) where parents will be able to give birth naturally. Children born by homeopathy are smart and creative. They are healthy children who will claim and fight for a better and rightful world. Homeopathy helps to be born healthy children while balancing their parent’s hormonal system. When this happen, human body heals both male and female infertility cases and opens the gate of capture. It is up to you to bring in the world healthy children, or low health level children due to parents organism suppression by chemical drugs. If you decide to bring in the world smart kids with the natural process of love, homeopathy can help you do it in a short time without surgery, without stress and with minimal cost.
It is a disorder of ectopic endometrial glands which often involved the ovaries and the peritoneal surfaces of the viscera. Despite the benign endometriosis, develops gradually can be dispersed locally and should coexist in pelvic lymph nodes in 30%. The cause is unknown. Challenged the 10-20% of women who are menstruating. In gynaecology endometriosis is responsible for 20% of gynaecological surgery. Early red petechiae appear in the pelvic area. The petechiae are likely to be cystic and bleed. The largest cyst occurs in the ovary and is filled with dark blood. Pelvic endometriosis is characterized multifocal including the ovary by 50%, bladder 15%, the ureters by 1% and intestine by 15-30%. Endometriosis is a hereditary predisposition. But how endometriosis causes pelvic pain and infertility has not been understood. The common symptoms of endometriosis include pain, infertility and bleeding. Chronic pain of endometriosis often recurs, and usually occurs 24-48 hours after the start of the season. The pain is characterized stable in pelvis and sacrum. The pain may be unilateral or contralateral and radiates to the leg and abdomen. Gastrointestinal symptoms are constipation, diarrhoea and blood stool. The urinary symptoms are difficulty in urination, hematuria and hydronephrosis. The ovaries increase in size and are fixed to adjacent tissues. Disruption of endometriosis is acute condition and requires immediate surgery. The most common medical treatment of endometriosis is Danazol. It binds to androgen receptors and progesterone. The result is increase of free testosterone and atrophy of endometriosis. 'But amenorrhea and anovulation occur during the 4-6 weeks of treatment. This reaction is called the therapeutic pseudo menopause. Other therapeutic effects of Danazol are: Acne> 15%, flushing 15%, gastrointestinal disorders 8%, weakness and dizziness 8%, 6% itching, oedema 6%, 5% obesity, changes in libido 3-5%, atrophic vaginitis 3%, headache 2%.
The administration of gonadotropin GNRH agonists causes low levels of FSH, LH. This in turn causes atrophy of endometriosis. Side effects are much less those of Danazol. Also, the daily administration of progesterone and estrogens (oral contraceptives) cause atrophy of endometriosis. Side effects include nausea, oedema, and hypertension.
Homeopathy is certainly not consistent with the hormonal treatment of endometriosis. Endometriosis is the result of a defence system which lies down. Strengthening the body's immune system with homeopathy, organism will provide endometriosis atrophy, without a single side effect. The choice of homeopathy will not only bring endometriosis healing, but will balance the woman’s hormonal system, for the purpose of capture any time woman wishes. It is significant therefore for woman not only be cured, but simultaneously not acquiring another disorder such as hypertension (the chemical way to treat Danazol drug or oral contraceptives). It is important to be healed acquiring a balanced body just as homeopathy can do it.
It is the most common disorder of the breast and occurs in 50% of women between 30 and 50 years but it is unusual to see women in menopause. Characterized by multiple painful masses in both breasts. Fluctuations in the size of the masses is often associated with the menstrual cycle. Thus the maximum pain and larger masses appear in the space of days before menstruation.
Advised women to grope each month the breasts. If you detect changes beyond the known will have to report to your physician. Patients should avoid the injuries and the use of bra day and night. Analgesics and Vitamin E relieves the pain. Therapeutic use progestin contraceptives, tamoxifen, bromokriptine which cause relief but no cure. The cystic fibrosis disappears with menopause.
Homeopathy does not agree with the hormonal therapy of cystic mastitis because in fact they never cure the disease in this manner. Instead creates other problems such as disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, and long may develop precancerous lesions. If this happens, no woman will associate the cancerous lesion with hormone therapy. In that case she would just accept her fate by mastectomy. Homeopathy considers the cystic mastitis a body reaction. Thus, recognizing the symptoms of the disease, homeopathy provides a remedy that cures exactly these symptoms. In the course of treatment, the symptoms may change and then the patient will need a second and possibly third homeopathic remedy. But at the end of treatment, and while the body balancing the hormonal system, organism will no longer have reason to react and thus the disease will retreat completely without stub, which would remind cystic disease.
These benign unilateral mass develops in women aged 20-40. The dimensions of inoadenomas ranging from 1 - 5 cm in diameter. The tumour growth caused by the pregnancy was absorbed after menopause. The formal treatment is surgical removal.
Homeopathy disagrees with the way adenoma of the breast is affronted simply because the body reacts compensatory. That is, if a lump is removed surgically, then the body in balanced way, emerge it again in the same place or elsewhere. The second time it comes out, the risk of malignancy is increased. Homeopathy offers a complete absorption of adenoma, initially balancing the body’s hormonal system. The process is gradual; initially we realize the adenoma’s size reduction, up to full disappearance without any adverse reaction.
It is unilateral localized inflammation with localized pain and local erythema. Causative agent is the bacterium staphylococcus Aureus and the formal treatment is antibiotics. Women in their first pregnancy are more prone to mastitis.
Homeopathy does not agree with the antibiotic therapy for mastitis treatment especially in pregnancy where chemical substances are capable of crossing the placenta and cause fetal abnormalities. In addition, inflammation is only suppressed with antibiotics therapy and
Never fully cured.
Mastitis is a very simple treatment case for homeopathy coexisting fever or not. The homeopathy remedy will cause a permanent inflammation decline in short term.
The average occurrence of breast cancer is 60-62 years. The cause remains unknown. However, the use of estrogens increases the risk of development. Breast cancer is a multi-focus that is more than a malicious focus occurs in the same breast in 40% of patients and 2% of patients in the other breast. At a frequency of 5-8% of cancers occurring later after treatment in the other breast. Breast cancer occurs in the upper outside quadrant of 45% of cases, centrally in 25% of cases, through the inside upper quartile at 15%, bellow outside quartile and bellow inside quartile by 5%. The lymph node spread is a rule involving the axillary’s lymph nodes. Blood-cancer spread to bones, liver and lungs. The radical mastectomy is now officially active along with radiation to treat breast cancer. Radiation therapy is currently considered to cover the small volumes, the partial mastectomy and axillary’s lymph nodes. Dose used 4.500-5000 rad iridium 192. Side effects like swelling, weakness, pericarditis and bone necrosis occur in 2% of patients. 75% of patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy to less than 10 years after its occurrence. In many of these patients, disease has dispersed the time of diagnosis. In these cases, chemotherapy is used to cope with metastases. The effect of chemotherapy in women at menopause is not very effective. As hormonal therapy used tamoxifen an antiestrogen but only 1 / 3 of patients respond to this treatment.
Breast cancer can not be said to fully cure with homeopathy. What we can promise is that homeopathy can strengthen the immune system to fight this disease, defeating, or at least be able to live a woman several years and with dignity. Alternatively, woman should choice to accomplish mastectomy and chemotherapy and afterwards homeopathy could strengthen her immune system. Homeopathy’s intention is avoiding metastases which become the daily fear of women. If cancer has occurred in a woman with a previously strong immune system homeopathy can maintain it strong enough even after chemotherapy. If it is already weak homeopathy will not be able to do miracles in the therapeutic process. In the case of metastases from breast cancer for example, homeopathy can offer only palliative treatment for pain. However homeopathy can help a woman to live better but cannot promise that breast cancer can be defeated surely.
Fibroids are benign tumours that sprout by 95% from the body of the uterus and by 5% from the neck. Fibroids account for 10% of gynaecological problems and occur mainly during the fifth decade of life. The majority of women with fibroids have no symptoms. But when symptoms appear, depending on the number, size, dimensions and location of the tumour. Gynaecological symptoms are bleeding, pressure effects, pain, infertility, urinary frequency, ureter obstruction. The most common example is the bleeding spots before menstruation. Often anaemia is the result of blood loss. Fibroids in the neck of the uterus causing among other white discharge and vaginal bleeding. The standard treatment is surgical removal of the fibroid or the entire uterus. In the case of surgical removal of the fibroid, it reappears in 15-40% of cases. The gynaecology considers that only the removal of the uterus is complete treatment.
Homeopathy disagrees with the surgical removal of the fibroid as well as the surgical removal of the uterus which leads a woman into early menopause with all its side effects such as hot flushes, sweats, early osteoporosis, sexual aversion, etc. In short, the removal of the uterus disrupts largely normal levels of hormones and creates the disabled woman who is unable to procreate. After removal of the uterus gynaecologists leave the woman at the mercy of the side effects of menopause or they supply hormones (chemical compounds) which increase the risk of carcinogenesis. As for the drugs used to prevent osteoporosis, are unable to limit the dramatic loss of bone mass after removal of the uterus. When the woman chooses to treat the fibroid with homeopathy saves the discomforts of surgery and the lump is absorbed by the body without the slightest chance of recurrence. And this is achieved simply by giving a few months time to act in homeopathic medicine. And the result is not without losing the female patient's status, continuing to be productive, to have sexual desire and normal bone mass.
Sometime during the life of every woman can appear leucorrhoea. Although vaginal fluids are considered normal, whether they cause irritation or become offensive odour are considered abnormal. Usually these cases are the result of inflammation of the vagina or vulva. Other causes can be psychological stress, tumours and injuries. Such disorders are the leading reason for visits to a gynaecologist. The micro organisms that cause white discharge is: Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida, Cardnerella, Chlamydia, Helminthes (children). It is uncommon to cause white discharge from gonorrhoea or tuberculosis. Treatment is with antibiotics.
Homeopathy offers a shorter healing time.
Appears in after menopause women. Usually there is a history of vulvae irritation with itching, local discomfort, and possible bleeding. Diagnosis is done by biopsy. Warts been present at the 5% of cases of cancer of the vulva. Vulvae cancer develops slowly and although metastases are unpredictable, usually the cancer cells remain for a long time to local lymph nodes. The distant metastases spread to the lymphatic system in the hamstrings and groin lymph nodes. The treatment is surgery with lymphadenectomy vulva resection and both deep and surface nodes. Below chemotherapy and radiation are appropriate in the case of incomplete surgical removal. About 60% of patients survive 5 years after surgery. The smaller the size of the volume the lower the probability of metastasis.
The position of the homeopathic principle is preventive for women adapted to homeopathic lifestyle. For women who first appeared this particular cancer homeopathy offers adjuvant treatment with official treatments to minimize the likelihood of metastatic relapse. The truth is that because it is a slow growing tumour, the concomitant treatment of homeopathy with chemotherapy enhances the therapeutic effect.
this is a very significant damage due to a possible relationship with the majority of cancers of the endometrial. Until now we assume that the endometrial responds with cell proliferation when stimulated by estrogens (hormones). Continuous estrogenic stimulation causes dilatation of the glands and the endometrial takes the form of cheese. But it is scientifically proven that this phenomenon is reversible if you stop or progestin estrogenic stimulation. The incidence of endometrial hyperplasia is 40% for women aged 40-50 years, 25% for women 50-60 years and 15% for women under 40 years. The time required to create the hyperplasia is 1-2 years. If the hyperplasia at the time of diagnosis remain untreated it will develop endometrial cancer by 20-25%. Treatment for severe forms of endometrial hyperplasia is hysterectomy, while milder forms of hormonal therapy is progesterone daily for 2 weeks to one month. The endometrial should return to its normal form in 6 to 12 months. Otherwise she would proceed to hysterectomy.
Homeopathy disagrees with the official treatment of endometrial hyperplasia because the less a woman has to make with this disorder is to stop taking hormonal chemical agents. Only with this decision the endometrial should return to its normal state. Homeopathy will balance the disturbed female hormonal system and will reverse the wrong way of the body to develop cancerous lesions. The woman will feel better physically and mentally obtaining a normal endometrial and especially will not miss the genitals by hysterectomy.
Is a disease of women in so-called developed world.
Although the aetiology of this cancer remains unknown, the frequent use of estrogens (hormone) is currently considered as the biggest risk factor. To understand women the importance of this factor in the development of cervical cancer, should be known that women who use estrogens after menopause are 4-8 times more likely to develop this disease than other women. Other risk factors include obesity, diabetes, and women who have not children. Women who have not had children are 3 times greater chance of developing the cancer than those who had children. Cancer of the uterus can take various histological types from a well differentiated (good prognosis) to the Anaplastic (poor prognosis). This cancer grows in size in the endometrial, in muscle tissue and perineum, with the fallopian tubes and ovaries, to the lymph nodes, veins and arteries of the uterus, even in the womb. However metastases occur very slowly. Vaginal metastases occur in 10-15% of women who decide to undergo a hysterectomy. After hysterectomy metastases is not rare to the liver, lungs and bones. As the cancer grows, the uterus grows in size. Treatment is initially with surgery and then radiation. The prognosis for 5-year survival in 75-95% of cases. The relapses occur before 5 years.
Homeopathy position is supportive along with other treatments as strengthening the body's immune system to increase the life expectancy and reduced relapses of the disease.