As women getting older, menopause is an event in their lives. However, there are many misconceptions about it. In the last century gynecologists believed that menopause shakes the female nervous system and deprive women of their individual charm. Such mistaken views still exist today. As a result, many women are afraid and worried about menopausal prospect. In our society where emphasis lay on youthful appearance, the onset of menopausal symptoms heralds the abrupt end of youth and the beginning of old age. So some women fear menopause because this seems to represent the beginning of a new, less desirable period of life. Demographics in the U.S. predict that the number of menopausal women will increase by 50% over the next 10 years. These women want to learn about health risks, such as hot flashes, changes in mood, discomfort, physical and emotional changes. In some women, the end of menstruation occurs suddenly, ending a period and never see the other. In other periods are irregular, occur at intervals ranging from 3 weeks to 3 months. When you spend a whole year without a menses period for a woman, you can confidently conclude that menopause occurred at the time of the last menstruation. The hereditary predisposition, an illness, stress, medications or surgery may affect the timing of menopausal appearance. The statistics show that in women who smoke, menopause occurs earlier, while in overweight women appears later. Woman ovaries contain at the moment of birth, all the eggs will have in life which numbering several hundred of thousand. During each menstrual cycle mature from 20-1000 oocytes. Then one or sometimes more than one released from the ovary, and are available for fertilization. The other mature eggs gradually cease to exist. Also according to the maturation of the egg, hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) rise and fall at regular intervals. As a woman completes the fourth decade of life, levels of estrogen and progesterone begin to decline gradually or irregularly and the release of the oocyte can not occur anymore in each cycle. The periods are less regular, and usually occur at longer intervals. Menstruation during the period is changing formerly poor and formerly abundant. Finally, no more oocytes are released and periods stop. The last menstruation is the culmination of a process of change in hormone levels and ovarian function, which may last up to 10 years. However, the ovaries continue to produce lower rates of estrogen for 10-20 years post menopause. The adrenals also produce estrogen. The tissues that are sensitive or depend by estrogens are affected as estrogen levels are reduced. Hot flashes are believed to originate from brain hormonal effects responsible for body temperature regulation. It is believed that the body thermo regulators operate at lower temperatures, and thus temperatures that were previously tolerated suddenly became very high and the body due to cool, brings on hot flushes and sweating. Half women with hot flashes, feel them while still having normal period starting from the age of 40 years. Most women have hot flashes for 2 years. 20% of women have hot flashes for 5 years. About 10% of women have hot flashes for the rest of their lives. Other symptoms that women have night sweats include insomnia, incontinence, sudden bloating, subjective pulse acceleration, cry for no reason, outbreaks of anger, migraines, itchy skin and gaps of memory. Even more serious symptoms may occur in women who enter the menopausal stage abruptly as a result of radiation, chemotherapy or surgical ovaries removal. These procedures may cause a sudden drop in estrogen levels and thus the onset of menopausal symptoms. The intensity and type of symptoms presented vary greatly from woman to woman, even in women who are relatives. This is because hormone levels vary from woman to woman and fall at different rates. Additionally, women have different feelings, concerns, abilities and expectations to troubleshoot as they approach menopause. Menopausal period often coincides with other stressful situations of a woman's life such as caring for elderly parents, joining the workforce, to see their children grow up and leave home and other middle age adjustments. These pressures can cause physical and emotional symptoms that include loss of memory, defective attention, anxiety, irritability and depression which may mistakenly be attributed to menopause. Homeopathy, however, does not consider that menopause is the end of reproductive life of women. It balances the mood and the monthly hormonal cycles. Extends the body's internal clock and continues the menstruation. Woman feels confident about herself and her life, winning the lost self esteem, femininity and her sexual interest. With this treatment, the menopausal period is accepted as a pleasant transition to life; with these women rarely complain of menopausal symptoms. Undoubtedly these women enjoy their freedom, released from fears associated with aging and death and dealing with their interests. With this treatment we conclude that menopause is not a disease because it refreshed creativity and balance of their emotional world.
On the other hand, there is the estrogen restoration therapy but carries significant lasting side effects. Homeopathy is based on an assessment of the circumstances, health and family history of each woman. The truth is that woman alone can not bring balance to the deregulated menopausal state.
Homeopathy is a hugely effective and without side effect solution.